Virtual Chicago Indoor Rowing Club

Fitness, Support and Camaraderie for all ages and abilities

Vcirc Docs


The Mission of Vcirc is to provide an online community to support and encourage fitness and health using the indoor rower (erg) as its foundation. This community is open to all ages and abilities embracing both indoor and on-water rowers alike. While our focus is the land-based indoor rower, we will also offer opportunities to those who wish to Learn to Row through partnerships with rowing clubs locally, nationally and worldwide.

And we have an Attitude

We are anti the Pain is Gain workout philosophy. We are pro Personal Improvement through meditative focus with a Mind-Body emphasis. We are Measured, Focused and Aware. Whether your goal is weight control, fitness maintenance or competitive achievement, this community will support your progress. We hope you will join us and contribute to the effort.


Vcirc is free and open to all regardless of the rowing machine you prefer. All you need is a Concept2 LogBook Account. See set up info below.

How to Join

Create your Personal Logbook on Concept2. This is a free C2 service.
Once your Personal Logbook is created, login, select Teams from the upper menu and choose VCIRC from the dropdown menu. Finally email VCIRC and provide the following information:

  • Full name
  • Mailing Address
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Age
  • Fitness/Health objectives

Weekly RowPro Sessions

This free Group Row Pro lasts 30 minutes and is scheduled several times a week to accommodate your online availability. The first session involves the O’Neil 4 Minute Fitness Test leading to personal workout recommendations.

To participate, you will need the following:

  • Concept2 Erg with a PM3, 4 or 5 Monitor
  • USB connector for computer to PM3, 4 or 5 monitor
  • RowPro License $99. Use Promo Code 77988810 for a 25% discount.

Also recommended:

Upcoming Events

  • 16 Week CIRC2019 Training Program $125
    This virtual training program is targeted to intermediate and advanced Vcirc Members and is driven by heart rate targets with intensity levels between sub-aerobic to anaerobic. The program requires 4/ 5 independent workouts per week with sessions varying between 25 minutes and 60 minutes. One weekly workout will be via Group RowPro and each participant will receive progress evaluation. Heart Rate Monitor required.
    Program starts: April 17, 2019

  • Team Challenges
    World Erg Challenge:  April 15 - May 15, 2019
    Fall Team Challenge: September 15 - October 15, 2019

    To confirm your Challenge participation:
    In your online logbook, click Teams at the top of the page.
    In the Team Challenge section, click the link provided to indicate your participation.

John S. Butsch

773.525.1030 x203
NEW Cell: 
PO Box 34991
Chicago, Il 60634-9998